This childhood web represents all of the layers in my childhood and the people who made a significant impact in my life.
My Mother (Tish)
My mother is apart of my web because she loves me unconditionally. There isn't a time in my childhood that I can look back on when she wasn't there for me. She played a vital role in shaping the person that I have become and I am a better person for having her in my life. I was her third and last daughter and she proves day in and day out to be "super woman". Raising three girls is no easy feat and she did so with excellent outcomes. If I ever needed anything, my mother was there. I always had clean clothes, dinner on the table, a lunch packed when I left for school, a fan at every sporting event and school play. She always supported me in every way possible. She always (and still does) made me feel special by reassuring me that I was a strong person and that I could do anything I wanted, even if it did seem unrealistic. She always reminded me that family comes first, no matter what and that family is the most valuable and important thing that anyone could have.
My Father (Rick)
I was never extremely close to my father growing up. I wasn't until I became an adult that I could look back on my childhood and truly appreciate the role that he played in my life and my upbringing. It was also in my adulthood that I realized many of my strongest and most positive characteristics were indeed a result of my father. He instilled in me a strong work ethic, something that I take a great deal of pride in to this day. He taught to me never quit and to always give everything I do 100%. My father made me feel special by treating with respect and acknowledging that I was always doing the right thing.
My Sister (Colleen)
Colleen is my oldest sister. There is a 6 1/2 year age difference between the two of us which can prove to be strenuous on a child. As a child I remember wanting to do everything that my sisters were doing. Despite our sisterly arguments, my sister always did a wonderful job including me and making me feel special. She always wanted what was best for me, even when we disagreed on what was considered to be the "best".
My Sister (Jessica)
Jessica is my middle sister. there is a three year age difference between the two of us, and I must say, I do not envy a middle child. Jessica definitely endured getting picked on by Colleen and I and I'm thankful she doesn't resent us for it. While we weren't as close, I do feel that Jessica and I shared a sense of comrade. I served as her protector in a sense and I still haven't lost that characteristic. I always remember Jessica being so open to sharing her things with me and that always made me feel special.
My best friend (Andrew)
Andrew and I were introduced to each other in 1987. One whole year after I was born and he was three years old. Our parents met at a fitness center and began sharing stories about their families. As it turned out, both of our mother's were from Ireland and our father's shared the same interest in attempting to play racquet ball. After learning that both families also had three children, our father's set up a family get-together. I, of course, do not remember our very first meeting, but I don't have a single childhood memory that doesn't involve Andrew and his family. We were the youngest of three children, so we automatically had that in common. We also shared a love for sports and activeness. We would spend hours going through our basketball card collections and pretending to be WWF wrestlers. We were inseparable throughout our entire childhood and into high school. While we live worlds apart now, we are still very close and are the best of friends.

The above photo is of me and my sisters. They are still a huge part of my life and I miss them dearly. We don't see each other as often as I'd like, but they continue to make a difference in my life everyday. Family continues to be the most important thing in my life and we all share each others gratitude for one another. We are all so proud of the other and we continue to support each other through the good and the hard times.