Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blog Assignment – Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

For this week’s assignment, I spoke to three different friends regarding culture and diversity. I asked them what their definitions of culture and diversity. All three of them had the same response for the definition of culture. They said they thought of culture as something that a person displays because of where they come from. As for diversity, they all had similar ideas but described diversity as a term in differences in how someone looks, where they come from, their language, place of birth, and their ethnicity. All three of my friends that I spoke with are different than me in some way. I asked an African American, one is in a wheelchair, and the other is Jewish. This was great because it gave me a different perspective from all angles and what is encouraging is that we all sort of see things similar.

I think all of my friends did a great job including the major differences in culture and diversity in relation to what I have studied so far in the course. For example, diversity can be something the physically seen whereas culture is something that is an action of display.


  1. Amanda,
    Thank you for your post. You certainly had a good variety of resources. I did not have as good a variety of nationalities but a good variety. Onward we go, I find that looking back is hard but it brings me forward with a wider perspective.

  2. It is interesting to think of culture as something we display, but the more I think about it that is very true. Everything from our style of dress, hair styles,body posture and gestures are all ways we display our culture. Your post gave me something to think about, thank you.
